(set: $kills to 0)(set: $LV to 1)(set: $EXP to 0)(set: $maxHP to 20)(set: $HP to 20)(set: $maxenemyHP to 129)(set: $damage to 0)(set: $stick to "has")(set: $bandaid to "has")(set: $victories to 0)(set: $gold to 0)(set: $MaxSHP to 90)(set: $food to "nothas")(goto: "nameselect")
(set: $name to (prompt: "Choose a Name."))(goto: "ay")
(set: $damage to 0)(set: $HP to $maxHP)(set: $enemyHP to 129)(set: $SHP to 90)(set: $dance to 0)(set: $turns to 0)(set: $marshmallows to 0)(set: $pet to 0)(set: $hug to 0)(set: $XXX to 0)(set: $dance to 0)(set: $togeno to 13)(set: $topacifist to 10)(if: $kills >= 3 and $kills < 13)[(color: red)[(print: $togeno - $kills) left.
]](elseif: $kills >= 13)[[[<span style=color:red>Determination.</span>|Determination.]]
](if: $victories >= 3 and $victories < 10 and $kills is 0)[(color: blue + white)[(print: $topacifist - $victories) more...
]](if: $victories >= 10 and $kills is 0)[[[<span style=color:lightblue>Dona nobis pacem...</span>|Pacifistness]]
Victories: $victories
Losses: $losses
Kills: $kills
Gold: $gold
(set: $link to (random: 1, 4))(if: $link is 4)[[[Start a battle|Mystery Battle]]](else:)[[[Start a battle]]]
[Buy a Bandage (10 G)]<buy|(click: ?buy)[
(if: $gold >= 10 and $bandaid is not "has")[(set: $gold to it - 10)(set: $bandaid to "has")You have bought a bandage.](elseif: $bandaid is "has")[You already have a bandage.](elseif: $gold < 10)[You don't have enough gold.](else:)[... They're out of bandaids.]]
(set: $damage to 0)(if: $HP is 0 or $HP < 0)[<h1>GAME OVER</h1>
You cannot give up hope! $name... [[Stay determined!|ay]]](elseif: $enemyHP is 0 or $enemyHP < 0)[(set: $kills to it +1)(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained (set: $gained to (random: 40, 60))(set: $EXP to it + $gained)$gained EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 1, 10))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. (if: $EXP % 3 is 0 or $kills is 1)[Your LOVE has increased!(set: $LV to it + 1)(set: $maxHP to it + 8)]](else:)[(set: $youdamage to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $turns is 0)[Ververg approaches!](elseif: $turns >= 1 and $marshmallows is 0 and $hug is 0 and $pet is 0)[Ververg is chanting in an incomprehensible language.](elseif: $marshmallows > 1 and < 5)[Ververg sniffs your inventory.](elseif: $pet > 1 and < 3)[Ververg nuzzles your hand.](elseif: $hug >= 1 or $marshmallows >= 5 or $pet >= 3)[Ververg doesn't want to fight anymore.](elseif: $enemyHP <= 30)[Ververg has low HP.](else:)[Smells like... something.]
$name LV $LV HP $HP/$maxHP
[[Fight]] [Act]<act| [Item]<item| [Mercy]<mercy|
(click: ?act)[[[Check]] [[Hug]]
[[Pet]] [[Give Marshmallows]]](click: ?item)[(if: $stick is "has")[[[Stick]]] (if: $bandaid is "has")[[[Bandage]]]](click: ?mercy)[(if: $marshmallows >= 5 or $hug >= 1 or $pet >= 3)[[[<span style="color:yellow">Spare</span>|Spare]]](else:)[[[Spare]]] [[Flee]]]]
Ververg's HP: $enemyHP/$maxenemyHP
[ATTACK]<GR| (live: 1s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?GR)[(stop:)(if: time >= .1s and time <= 5s)[(set: $damage to (random: 15, 30)) [[$damage|DODGEME]]](elseif: time > 5s and time <= 7s)[(set: $damage to (random: 5, 15)) [[$damage|DODGEME]]](elseif: time > 7s and time <= 10s)[(set: $damage to (random: 1, 5)) [[$damage|DODGEME]]](else:)[(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|DODGEME]]]]](elseif: time > 10s)[(stop:)(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|DODGEME]]]]
The author does not tell you what it is, therefore you do not know what it is.
(set: $hug to it + 1)(if: $hug <= 1)[You hug Ververg. It nearly cries.
[[It seems satisfied.|DODGEME]]](else:)[You continue hugging Ververg.
[[It hugs back.|DODGEME]]]
(set: $pet to it + 1)(if: $pet < 3)[You pet Ververg.
[[Ververg makes a noise that is a cross between a purr and dog's equivilant of a purr is.|DODGEME]]](elseif: $pet >= 3)[You continue petting Ververg.
[[It seems satisfied.|DODGEME]]]
(set: $marshmallows to it + 1)[(if: $marshmallows < 5)[Ververg takes your marshmallows hesitantly, then shoves them in its mouth.
[[It seems to like the sugary flavor.|DODGEME]]](elseif: $marshmallows >= 5)[Ververg eats the marshmallows.
[[It seems to have calmed down.|DODGEME]]]]
(if: $marshmallows < 5 and $pet < 3 and $hug < 1)[[["Your mercy isn't what I want!"|DODGEME]]](if: $marshmallows >= 5)[(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained 0 EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 5, 15))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. Gold.](if: $pet >= 3)[(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained 0 EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 5, 15))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. Gold.](if: $hug >= 1)[(set: $victories to it +1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained 0 EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 5, 15))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. Gold.]
(set: $escape to (either: true, false))(if: $escape is true)[[[Escaped...|ay]]](else:)[(goto: "DODGEME")]
You throw the stick at Ververg. It catches it and gives it back to you, annoyed.
[[Its attacks become more extreme.|DODGEME]]
(if: $HP <= $maxHP - 10)[(set: $HP to it + 10)](if: $HP > $maxHP - 10)[(set: $HP to $maxHP)](set: $bandaid to "nohas")You applied the bandage.
Still kinda gooey.
(if: $HP is $maxHP)[[[HP fully restored!|DODGEME]]](else:)[[[Recovered 10 HP!|DODGEME]]]
(set: $enemyHP to it - $damage)(set: $turns to it + 1) [DODGE]<dodgin| (live: 1s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?dodgin)[(if: time >= .1s and time <= 1.5s)[(set: $youdamage to 0) You've dodged all of the attacks. [[0 HP lost!|Start a battle]]](elseif: time > 1.5s and time <= 6s)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 1, 5)) You've dodged most of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Start a battle]]](elseif: time > 6s and time <= 10s)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 5, 15)) You've dodged some of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Start a battle]]](else:)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 15, 19)) You didn't dodge any of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Start a battle]]](set: $HP to it - $youdamage)](stop:)](elseif: time > 10s)[(stop:)(set: $youdamage to (random: 15, 19)) You didn't dodge any of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Start a battle]](set: $HP to it - $youdamage)]]
(set: $damage to 0)(if: $HP is 0 or $HP < 0)[(set: $losses to it + 1)<h1>GAME OVER</h1>
You cannot give up hope! $name... [[Stay determined!|ay]]](elseif: $SHP is 0 or $SHP < 0)[(set: $kills to it +1)(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained (set: $gained to (random: 40, 60))(set: $EXP to it + $gained)$gained EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 10, 30))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. Your LOVE has increased!(set: $LV to it + 1)(set: $maxHP to it + 8)](else:)[(set: $youdamage to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $turns is 0)[Scherzo appears!](elseif: $turns >= 1)[(either: "Scherzo cracks a joke.", "Wild laughter fills the room.")](elseif: $SHP <= 30)[Scherzo has low HP.](else:)[Wild laughter fills the room.]
$name LV $LV HP $HP/$maxHP
[[Fight|Fig2]] [Act]<act| [Item]<item| [Mercy]<mercy|
(click: ?act)[[[Check|c2]] [[Dance]]
[[Laugh]] [[XXX]]](click: ?item)[(if: $stick is "has")[[[Stick|stick2]]] (if: $bandaid is "has")[[[Bandage|B2]]]](click: ?mercy)[(if: $dance >= 4 or $XXX >=2)[[[<span style="color:yellow">Spare</span>|S2]]](else:)[[[Spare|S2]]] [[Flee|F2]]]]
(set: $escape to (either: true, false))(if: $escape is true)[[[Escaped...|ay]]](else:)[(goto: "Scherzododge")]
Scherzo - ATK 3 DEF 8
It thinks madness will solve your problems.
(set: $dance to it + 1)(if: $dance < 4)[You dance as if you're going mad.
[[Scherzo laughs wildly.|Scherzododge]]](elseif: $dodge is 4)[You dance with all you've got.
[[Scherzo seems appeased.|Scherzododge]]](else:)[You continue to dance.
[[Scherzo laughs.|Scherzododge]]]
You laugh along with Scherzo. You're going mad!
[[Scherzo's attacks grow more random.|Scherzododge]]
(set: $XXX to it + 1)(if: $XXX < 2)[You use your "special attack" on Scherzo. Rainbows fill the air.
[[The world swirls with your beauty and Scherzo's air of death.|Scherzododge]]](elseif: $XXX >= 2)[You use your "special attack" again.
[[Scherzo seems happy.|Scherzododge]]]
You throw the stick. Scherzo eats it, then immediately spits it back out. The stick is (either: "pink","blue","green","orange") now.
(if: $HP <= $maxHP - 10)[(set: $HP to it + 10)](if: $HP > $maxHP - 10)[(set: $HP to $maxHP)](set: $bandaid to "nohas")You applied the bandage.
Still kinda gooey.
(if: $HP is $maxHP)[[[HP fully restored!|Scherzododge]]](else:)[[[Recovered 10 HP!|Scherzododge]]]
(if: $XXX >= 2 or $dance >= 4)[(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|ay]]
You've gained 0 EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 10, 40))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain Gold.](else:)[[[Scherzo laughs at your attempt to SPARE him.|Scherzododge]]]
(set: $SHP to it - $damage)(set: $turns to it + 1) [DODGE]<dodgin| (live: .5s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?dodgin)[(if: time >= .1s and time <= 1s)[(set: $youdamage to 0) You've dodged all of the attacks. [[0 HP lost!|Mystery Battle]]](elseif: time > 1s and time <= 3s)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 1, 5)) You've dodged most of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Mystery Battle]]](elseif: time > 3s and time <= 8s)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 5, 15)) You've dodged some of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Mystery Battle]]](else:)[(set: $youdamage to (random: 15, 19)) You didn't dodge any of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Mystery Battle]]](set: $HP to it - $youdamage)](stop:)](elseif: time > 10s)[(stop:)(set: $youdamage to (random: 15, 19)) You didn't dodge any of the attacks. [[$youdamage HP lost.|Mystery Battle]](set: $HP to it - $youdamage)]]
Scherzo's HP: $SHP/$MaxSHP
[ATTACK]<GR| (live: .5s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?GR)[(stop:)(if: time >= .1s and time <= 3s)[(set: $damage to (random: 15, 30)) [[$damage|Scherzododge]]](elseif: time > 3s and time <= 5s)[(set: $damage to (random: 5, 15)) [[$damage|Scherzododge]]](elseif: time > 5s and time <= 8s)[(set: $damage to (random: 1, 5)) [[$damage|Scherzododge]]](else:)[(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|Scherzododge]]]]](elseif: time > 8s)[(stop:)(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|Scherzododge]]]]
(set: $damage to 0)(set: $HP to $maxHP)(set: $GHP to 85)(set: $maxGHP to 85)(if: $kills < 17)[(color: red)[(print: 17 - $kills) left.
]](elseif: $kills >= 17)[[[<span style=color:red>Determination.</span>|Determination2]]
](unless: $knife is "has")[[There's a knife here.
]<knife|(click: ?knife)[(set: $knife to "has")You took the knife and discarded your old weapon. It's useless now.
Victories: $victories
Losses: $losses
Kills: $kills
Gold: $gold
(set: $link to (random: 1, 4))(if: $link is 4)[[[Let's kill them all.|Genobattle2]]](else:)[[[Let's kill them all.|Genobattle]]]
[Buy a Bandage (10 G)]<buy|(click: ?buy)[
(if: $gold >= 10 and $bandaid is not "has")[(set: $gold to it - 10)(set: $bandaid to "has")You bought a bandage.](elseif: $bandaid is "has")[You don't need another one.](elseif: $gold < 10)[Not enough gold.](else:)[They're out of bandaids.]]
[Buy/Steal some food (0-12 G)]<food|(click: ?food)[
(set: $buyorsteal to (either: 1, 2))(if: $buyorsteal is 1 and $food is not "has")[(set: $food to "has")You stole some food from one of those worthless shopkeepers.](elseif: $food is "has")[You don't need more. Less room for your weapon.](elseif: $buyorsteal is 2 and $food is not "has")[(if: $gold > 12)[(set: $gold to it - (random: 1, 12))(set: $food to "has")You bought some food.](elseif: $gold < 10)[Not enough gold.]](else:)[Nothing worth taking.]]
(set: $damage to 0)(set: $HP to $maxHP)(if: $victories >= 10 and $victories < 15 and $kills is 0)[(color: blue + white)[(print: 15 - $victories) more...
]](if: $victories >= 10 and $kills is 0)[[[<span style=color:lightblue>Dona nobis pacem...</span>|Pacifistness2]]
](unless: $armor is "has")[[There's some armor here...
]<armor|(click: ?armor)[(set: $armor to "has")You took the armor and put it on, dropping your worn defenses.
Victories: $victories
Losses: $losses
Kills: $kills
Gold: $gold
(set: $link to (random: 1, 4))(if: $link is 4)[[[They want to be friends.|Pacibattle2]]](else:)[[[They want to be friends.|Pacibattle1]]]
[Buy a Bandage (10 G)]<buy|(click: ?buy)[
(if: $gold >= 10 and $bandaid is not "has")[(set: $gold to it - 10)(set: $bandaid to "has")You have bought a bandage.](elseif: $bandaid is "has")[You already have a bandage.](elseif: $gold < 10)[You don't have enough gold.](else:)[... They're out of bandaids.]]
[Buy a Snack (12 G)]<snack|(click: ?snack)[
(if: $gold >= 12 and $snack is not "has")[(set: $gold to it - 12)(set: $snack to "has")You bought some food.](elseif: $snack is "has")[You already have some. You don't need more.](elseif: $gold < 12)[You don't have enough gold...](else:)[... They're all out.]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
(set: $damage to 0)(if: $HP is 0 or $HP < 0)[<h1>GAME OVER</h1>
You cannot give up hope! $name... [[Stay determined!|Determination.]]](elseif: $enemyHP is 0 or $enemyHP < 0)[(set: $kills to it +1)(set: $victories to it + 1)[[You Won!|Determination.]]
You've gained (set: $gained to (random: 50, 80))(set: $EXP to it + $gained)$gained EXP and (set: $goldgain to (random: 1, 10))(set: $gold to it + $goldgain)$goldgain gold. (if: $EXP % 2 is 0 or $kills is 1)[Your LOVE has increased!(set: $LV to it + 1)(set: $maxHP to it + 8)]](else:)[(set: $youdamage to 0)(set: $damage to 0)(if: $turns is 0)[You approach Candle Grandma.](elseif: $turns >= 1 and $contitions = true)[Candle Grandma lights a Peach Bellini candle.](elseif: $conditions = true)[Candle Grandma doesn't want to fight anymore.](elseif: $GandleHP <= 30)[She has low HP.](else:)[Smells like chocolate and mint.]
$name LV $LV HP $HP/$maxHP
[[Fight|GFiggen]] [Act]<act| [Item]<item| [Mercy]<mercy|
(click: ?act)[[[Check|GCheckGeno]] [[Make Smalltalk]]
[[Ask About NCA]] [[Crush Dreams]]](click: ?item)[(if: $stick is "has")[[[Stick|GSTICK]]] (if: $bandaid is "has")[[[Bandage|GBANDAGE]]](if: $food is "has")[[[Food]]]](click: ?mercy)[(if: $conditions = true)[[[<span style="color:yellow">Spare</span>|GS]]](else:)[[[Spare|GS]]] [[Flee|GFgen]]]]
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
(set: $escape to (either: true, false))(if: $escape is true)[[[Escaped...|Determination.]]](else:)[(goto: "GandleDodge")]
She will bring you down with her mighty kazoo. Or give you candles.
You chat with Candle Grandma. She tells you all about the NCA.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Candle Grandma's HP: $GHP/$MaxGHP
(if: $knife is "has")[[ATTACK]<Erp| (live: .5s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?Erp)[(stop:)(if: time >= .1s and time <= 3s)[(set: $damage to (random: 30, 45)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](elseif: time > 3s and time <= 5s)[(set: $damage to (random: 15, 30)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](elseif: time > 5s and time <= 8s)[(set: $damage to (random: 1, 15)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](else:)[(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|GandleDodge]]]]](elseif: time > 8s)[(stop:)(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|GandleDodge]]]]](else:)[[ATTACK]<La| (live: .5s)[(if: time < 10s)[(click-replace: ?La)[(stop:)(if: time >= .1s and time <= 3s)[(set: $damage to (random: 15, 30)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](elseif: time > 3s and time <= 5s)[(set: $damage to (random: 5, 15)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](elseif: time > 5s and time <= 8s)[(set: $damage to (random: 1, 5)) [[$damage|GandleDodge]]](else:)[(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|GandleDodge]]]]](elseif: time > 8s)[(stop:)(set: $damage to 0) [[MISS|GandleDodge]]]]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
Double-click this passage to edit it.