Twine CSS Themes
Here's a few different Twine CSS themes I've made over the years! Most of them are for Harlowe 1 or 2, but can be easily modified for Harlowe 3 by changing some of the selectors.
Futuristic Theme - a Twine theme with a silvery gradient background and a geometric font. I used this one in Elsker.
Geometric Theme - a Twine theme inspired by Broken Age. I used this one in Fictality. The hexagon background is currently broken, but the rest of it works.
Blue Theme - an elegant blue and gold theme with a solid-colored box around the passage text on top of a gradient background. I haven't used this one in a published Twine game yet!
Undertale Theme - a Twine theme inspired by Undertale. I used this one in my Undertale Battle System.